Tuesday 24 January 2012

36 Weeks today

We had a scan at the hospital yesterday to see the growth of our little girl is going well. She is growing fine but is a smaller than average baby and yesterday she was measured at approximately 2,2kg at week 36.
Also we thought she turned around into the right position, but it looks like she is preferring to sit head up. So she is still breech, and by the looks of it she has begun to engage into my pelvis with her bum. The doctor said yesterday that the chances now that she will manage to turn around are slim, so we were then given the options of a Breech natural birth or the chance to book in an appointment for a C-section.
After all of the scary we have heard about Breech births (brain damage, babys distress etc) we have decided to go with a c-section. Not the path I would have originally liked to have chosen, but the health of the baby is our priority.
We will now also be giving birth in Linkoping in Sweden, and they schedule c-sections for 2 weeks before you actual due date. This would mean around the 7th of Feb, which is in two weeks from now... eeek :) but yeay!
In a way we are lucky, Peter will be able to spend the whole month with our new little addition. So everything has its pros and cons.
I still have all my bits crossed that she will manage to turn in time - but either way a safe arrival is on our wishlist!

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