Thursday 24 November 2011

Week 27 day 2

Today we went to the midwife!
She measured the size of my tummy, took a urine sample, a blood prick test, my weight and my blood pressure. Then we listened to the heart of the baby... well we tried. Our baby seems to be a shy one, and once we found a heartbeat she kicked the monitor away. She probably takes after me, grumpy after being woken up. ;)
Another thing the midwife mentioned was that she is lying pretty far down with her head at this stage of the pregnancy, although she said this is nothing to worry about and that I just may have wider hips... this explains the urge to pee!

Well...other than that everything seems to be fine! And our next appointment will be in Stromstad with the midwife on the 12th of December.

Coming to a final decision on a name is really difficult.... as soon as we have the move to Stromstad behind us, we can sit down and make a little list.
I'm sure Peter and I will be able to agree on something. :)

She is so big now I can feel her legs pushing up against my ribcage! This gets worse when I am sitting down to eat, bless her... there is obviously not much space in there for my big baby.


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