Friday 18 November 2011

Baby must have grown!

It feels like in the last two days the baby has grown so much. I am actually waddling like a duck now too.

Every day she pushes so hard you see her whole body shape just by looking at my tummy. That is her way of telling me that she is growing faster than my tummy is... and she needs more space please! And she definitely prefers the right side of my tummy, that is usually the side that sticks out the most :)

Regarding a name - We really like the name Freya, but I may feel a different way when I look at her and she is born.
But because she is a little person, and I would like to refer to her with a name, we will call her Freya for now.
We particularly liked the name Freya (pronounced: Fray-ya), which is the name of the Norse Goddess of Love. She is also the only Goddess that is accompanied by so called blue cats (which they believed to be Norwegian Forest Cats), that would pull her chariot. The kittens were a gift from the Norse God Thor.
How the kittens came to Freya is really funny actually. I researched this, and pasted it in for you to read for yourself :)

"Freya chastised Thor soundly one morning for awakening her from her beauty sleep with his boisterous and noisy preparations to "go fishing" for a sea dragon. While he was on the way to his fishing spot, Thor kept hearing lovely song-like noises that seemed to be lulling him to sleep.
Stopping to investigate the source of the odd sounds, he found them coming from a nest of mewing blue kittens being tended by a tomcat. The sound that Thor had heard was the male cat singing to the kittens, "Sleep, sleep, my dear little ones".
Thor suggested (in forceful terms) that the cat stop singing the lullaby and the cat sassed him back, suggesting that Thor had no idea how difficult it was for a single-parent male to rear his children and asking if he knew any women who would be willing to take them in.
Immediately Freya came to mind, and Thor agreed to take them to her. Like all cats, this one was not quick to show appreciation and added  that, being blue,  they were very unique cats and deserved an especially fine home. Thor took offense at the comment and thundered back at the cat who, not the least impressed, bared his claws and then turned into a bird and flew away.
Kindly Freya was enchanted with Thor's present and did the kittens honor by letting them accompany her on her daily rounds across the sky."

Fieval (Our cat) is a blue bi-coloured Ragdoll cat. We thought this story was perfect, and when our daughter Freya would be born, she would have her own "Blue" cat already waiting for her. :)

Some images of the Norse Goddess Freya

1 comment:

  1. That's such a beautiful name and the cutest story... the blue cat is lying on my couch (on a blue blanket) sleeping and waiting for Freya right now :)

    love sofie
