Wednesday 14 December 2011

Interesting start to my 3rd trimester!

To celebrate my 30 weeks I was sent to hospital with regular painful contractions. They were happening every 5 minutes during the whole day on the 12th of December.
They decided to keep me in for the night to observe me.
Here are some photos of me being monitored on the CTG machine. Our little girl didn't approve of the machine and kicked off the parts from my tummy several times.
I think the nurses got slightly frustrated as well when they couldn't find her heartbeat though she managed to follow the monitor around in my tummy and kick it whilst they were looking. ;)
That was her saying "I don't like being poked" :)

When I was admitted - the CTG machine measures how often the contractions happen and how strong they are and also the baby's heartbeat. When I arrived they were 80%, and when I left the next day they went down to 20%.

On the 13th of Dec, my contractions slowed down to every 30 minutes. After a final examination the doctor allowed me to go back home!
One of the most painful nights of sleep, so I was so happy to be able to collapse on the couch when we got home and have a snooze with Fieval!

Today we got our pram! Very exciting!! Thank you Grandma and Grandad for your generous contribution. We will be using this great pram for all of our children!

Today I started washing the baby clothes.
Here is my proud first batch of clothes hanging on the rack.

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