Wednesday 14 September 2011

Things That I Miss

5 more months.... And I will indulge again!!!

I cry when I watch people eat blue cheese ....

And Brie.............................................

Runny eggs for breakfast!!!

Beer, that I wasn't allowed at the Karpfhamer Fest.... boo!

And of course Red Wine to go with the cheeses .... :)

Sushi!! But Mamma Sushi is quite yum too :)

And last but not least... lower back massages!


  1. Oh I did miss those things soo much as well! And chevre! But the things that you wont be allowed for these long 9 moths will taste even better when you can finally eat them! The blogg looks great Sophie! <3

  2. Thanks Maria! :)
    Yea I didn't think I would miss these things that much, but it's not long to go now... I think I will go on a food shopping spree once the baby is born and just stock the fridge up on all of these yummy things! xxx
